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CFS Agencies

Currently, the Flette and Lavallee Settlement (regarding those in care of a Indigenous or Non-Indigenous CFS Agency) are being managed and Administrated together. The Administration of the Lafontaine (Métis) Settlement is separate.

Child playing in the woods

Autorité des services à l'enfance et à la famille des Premières Nations du Nord

Awasis Agency of the Northern Manitoba

Cree Nation Child and Family Caring Agency

Island Lake First Nations Family Services

Kinosao Sipi Minisowin Agency

Nikan Awasisak Agency Inc.

Nischawayasihik Cree Nation Family and Community Wellness Centre

Opaskwayak Cree Nation Child and Family Services

Agences des autorités du Sud

Animikii Ozoson Child and Family Services Inc.

Anishinaabe Child and Family Services

Child and Family All Nations Coordinated Response Network

Dakota Ojibway Child and Family Services

Intertribal Child and Family Services

Peguis Child and Family Services

Sagkeeng Child and Family Services

Sandy Bay Child and Family Services

Southeast Child and Family Services

West Region Child and Family Services

Autorité générale des services à l'enfance et à la famille

Child and Family Services of Central Manitoba

Child and Family Services of Western Manitoba

Jewish Child and Family Services

Rural and Northern Service    





Winnipeg Child and Family Services








Agences métisses du CFS

Metis Child and Family Services Authority

Metis Child, Family and Community Services Agency

Michif Child and Family Services Agency

Child at the beac

Southern Authority Agencies

  1. Animikii Ozoson Child and Family Services Inc.

  2. Anishinaabe Child and Family Services

  3. Child and Family All Nations Coordinated Response Network

  4. Dakota Ojibway Child and Family Services

  5. Intertribal Child and Family Services

  6. Peguis Child and Family Services

  7. Sagkeeng Child and Family Services

  8. Sandy Bay Child and Family Services

  9. Southeast Child and Family Services

  10. West Region Child and Family Services

Girl smiling

General Child and Family Services Authority

  1. Child and Family Services of Central Manitoba

  2. Child and Family Services of Western Manitoba

  3. Jewish Child and Family Services

  4. Winnipeg Child and Family Services

  5. Rural and Northern Service





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