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The Children's Special Allowance is a Class Action Settlement for Provincially Funded current and former children-in-care of Indigenous and Non-Indigenous CFS Agencies between January 1, 2005 to March 31, 2019 whose CSA benefit was clawed back or withheld between January 1, 2005 to March 31, 2019.


On September 5, 2024 , Justice Huberdeau approved the Settlement Agreement.

There is a 31-day appeal period after the approval.

If there are no appeals, the Claim Registration Period will begin on January 6, 2025, and will stay open for two years.

Exchange Solutions Inc. (EXG) a été engagé à titre d'administrateur des réclamations pour les CFS autochtones et non autochtones. Les CFS métis n'ont pas encore déterminé leur administrateur des réclamations.


Une date d'audience sera fixée pour l'approbation de l'entente de règlement, de l'administrateur des réclamations et de la procédure d'administration des réclamations. Une fois que le tribunal aura approuvé l'accord de règlement, il fixera un délai avant que les demandeurs puissent soumettre un formulaire d'enregistrement de réclamation et que les paiements d'indemnisation puissent commencer à être versés.


Les demandeurs ne peuvent pas s'inscrire pour bénéficier d'une éventuelle indemnisation dans le cadre du règlement ASE tant que l'approbation du tribunal n'a pas été reçue.

News & Updates

Girl in the woods
Settlement Agreement 

On September 5, 2024, Justice Huberdeau approved the Settlement Agreement. This agreement has support from the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC), Southern Chiefs' Organization, Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak, and several Child and Family Services (CFS) groups.

The Settlement Agreement sets deadlines for Manitoba to make payments and includes other important steps to end the lawsuits, like a public apology in the Manitoba Legislature. It also explains how and when Class Members will get their payments from the Settlement Fund.

There is a 31-day appeal period after the approval.

If there are no appeals, then Class Members will be able to submit claims beginning on January 6, 2025 for a two year Claim Registration Period.

Hand Holding Magnifying Glass Over Quality Assurance Certificate to review and Approval Do
Notices for Settlement Agreement Approved 

On June 20, 2024, the Court of King’s Bench of Manitoba has authorized the Representative Plaintiffs to give notice to Class Members that a Settlement has been reached.


Short-form and Long-form Notices have been sent according to the Court-Approved Notice Plan and are available to Class Members here. 


On September 5 and 6, 2024, the Court will consider whether the settlement of the Class Actions is fair, reasonable, and in the best interests of the Class Members. All that information and more is contained within the attached Notice.   

Claims Administrator
EXG is Claims Administrator for Flette and Lavallee Actions

Exchange Solutions Inc. (EXG) has been engaged as the Claims Administrator for the Indigenous CFS Agencies (Flette) Action and Non-Indigenous CFS Agencies (Lavallee) Action. 


To receive updates about the Claims Process, please contact the Claims Administrator Information Line at: 1-844-947-7101 or by email at


Click here for a list of CFS Agencies included under the Flette and Lavallee Actions. Current and former Children-in-Care claimants of a Métis CFS Agency (Lafontaine Class Action) have a separate Claims Administrator (further information about the Métis CFS Agency’s Claims Administration will the provided once it is available).

Claims Administration Information Line Now Open​

The Claims Administrator Information Line is now open and provides information about the status of the claims administration process. You can access the toll-free Information Line by calling 1-844-947-7101.

Listen to the Information Line Message

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